Sue Scheff, P.U.R.E. Helps 15,000 Parents and Teens

Sue Scheff is the founder of Parents Universal Resource Experts (P.U.R.E.). Her organization was founded in 2001 and for the past several years has assisted families with valuable information and resources for their children and teens who are at risk — teens struggling with peer pressure, experimenting with drugs and alcohol, and simply good kids starting to make bad choices. Doctors, Attorney’s, Therapists, Police Departments, Schools, Guidance Counselors and other professionals refer Parent’s Universal Resource’s to families.

Over the years Sue and her team have helped over 15,000 families dealing with troubled teens and difficult teen issues. Visit her site at and be sure to learn more at and her blog at where she’s recently posted an article about Safe Teen Driving Club.

One Response to “Sue Scheff, P.U.R.E. Helps 15,000 Parents and Teens”

  1. KarenPease Says:

    Thank goodness for people like Sue! I think that’s the key to having future generations populated with productive, thoughtful and integrity-filled people… we have to intercede when they are young. Keep up the good work! Karen Bessey Pease, author of juvenile fiction,

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